Come and join this workshop as Master Beekeeper, Rodney Dow guides you through the thought process needed to clearly understand what it takes to become a successful, sustainable beekeeper on Saturday, March 19 from 1to 3 pm at Peebles Island State Park. Rodney Dow has made a lifetime commitment to studying, researching and working with Apis Mellifera, the Honey Bee.
[private]This workshop is for beginners as well as seasoned veterans of the bee world. Dow will give you tips on how to get your hive off to a good start, how to make them thrive and how to build the population and keep them from swarming. There will be an in-depth discussion about our biggest bugaboo in beekeeping today – Varroa destructor AKA Varroa mite. Rodney will also share a strong appreciation of the honey bee’s role in the world with fascinating tips and information you’re not likely to find in any books.
Rodney Dow started keeping bees in 1961 and has continued doing so, except for three years when serving in the military. From 1971 to 1979, Mr. Dow was a professor of Agriculture at SUNY Farmingdale, where he taught Agriculture in addition to many other classes. In 1998 Glynwood Center and Rodney established an apiary for the Center, a non-profit organization in Cold Spring, NY. In 2001 Mr. Dow was asked to join the board. In addition to being an active board member, he continues to teach beekeeping at Glynwood.
You do not need to bring anything to this workshop except an open mind and questions. The first person to stump the Professor with a question will receive a jar of honey.
“To become a successful beekeeper, it is not a hobby rather a passion.” –Rodney W Dow
Free and open to the public. Call 518-268-2188 to register or for more information. This event will be held sunshine or snowflakes. Refreshments will be provided. All donations will be gratefully accepted and will be earmarked toward further programming at Peebles Island State Park. [/private]