Wilderness Craft Series: David Muska, a licensed NYS Wilderness Guide and Wilderness Skills Instructor with over 20 years of backpacking experience from Ondatra Adventures, will be instructing a four-part Wilderness Craft Series at the Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center. [private]The first two programs will be on April 2 and April 9 from 10 am to 3 pm. Learn how to make coal burned bowls and spoons on April 2 and natural fibers and cordage from the landscape on April 9. Each class costs $30; $25 for members. Sign up for all four programs in advance and pay only $100; $90 for members. The complete Wilderness Craft Series can be found at: www.dykenpond.org as well as all other Dyken Pond Center programs. Pre-registration is required and can be done by contacting the Center at dykenpond@fairpoint.net or 518-658-2055.
American Woodcock Walk: Witness the amazing courtship ritual of the American Woodcock at Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center on March 31 at 6:30 pm. This program will include a short, indoor presentation about the natural history of the American Woodcock before the courtship begins at sunset. This is a free program. A complete list of programs can be found at: www.dykenpond.org. Pre-registration is required to help with planning and can be done by contacting the Center at dykenpond@fairpoint.net or 518-658-2055.
Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center is a Rensselaer County Park open daily during daylight hours for hiking, fishing and non-motor boating. Call the center for more information and a complete schedule of our events.[/private]