Wilderness Craft Series: David Muska, a licensed NYS Wilderness Guide and Wilderness Skills Instructor with over 20 years of backpacking experience from Ondatra Adventures, will be instructing a four-part Wilderness Craft Series at the Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center. The first two programs will be on April 2 and April 9 from 10 am to 3 pm. Learn how to make coal burned bowls and spoons on April 2 and natural fibers and cordage from the landscape on April 9. [private]Each class costs $30; $25 for members. Sign up for all four programs in advance and pay only $100; $90 for members. The complete Wilderness Craft Series can be found at: www.dykenpond.org as well as all other Dyken Pond Center programs. Pre-registration is required and can be done by contacting the Center at dykenpond@fairpoint.net or 518-658-2055.
Wild Edibles Series: A series of classes on wild edibles of the Dyken Pond area will begin on April 17. The series will continue with monthly classes through September. Topics will include plant and fungi identification, ‘look-alikes,’ harvest times, ‘best-practice’ harvest methods and preparation. It is a hands-on series of classes which will include cooking and eating the foods gathered. Learn some of the age old skills of ‘living off the land’ and self-reliance!
Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center is a Rensselaer County Park open daily during daylight hours for hiking, fishing and non-motor boating. Call the center for more information and a complete schedule of our events.[/private]