Almost seventy children from HFCS, Cambridge, SMA and Bennington participated in a basketball clinic organized by HFCS graduates Noordin Said and Shari Hand on Sunday at HFCS. [private]

Basketball trainers Tyrone Gilmore and Dominique Williams were on hand. Gilmore and Williams are trainers with Jerry Powell’s Basketball Results located in Babylon, NY. Jerry Powell’s has trained players such as LeBron James, Bria Hartley (UConn, WNBA), Ron Artest, Rajon Rondo and Danny Green (San Antonio Spurs). Williams had just returned from working out the Cleveland Cavaliers. The clinic was open to all boys and girls in grades 4 to 12 and all the kids enjoyed learning basketball fundamentals. The EC Fund and DePaula Chevrolet sponsored the event. [/private]