Rev. Benoit, Mike McCune, Rick and Beth Ferrannini, Saint Gobain Receive Awards
by Deb Alter
HACA does many things, but perhaps the most important thing is running the Food Pantry. And it can’t do it without the many volunteers and supporters from the local churches and the community. These volunteers work countless hours unloading truckloads of food and supplies, sorting goods and stocking shelves, filling orders for clients, doing income taxes for free, keeping the HACA building clean and spruced up inside and out, and more. [private]
They give their time and effort willingly to help other people, and HACA recognizes them and the work they do at The Appreciation Brunch and Awards Ceremony each year. On Saturday, October 24, a sumptuous brunch that included all kinds of egg dishes, pastries, muffins, blueberry french toast, fresh fruit, and coffee, tea and juice. Joyce Brewer, President of the HACA Board of Directors got the festivities started by welcoming and thanking everyone, Father Tom Zelker of Immaculate Conception Church gave the blessing, and then the buffet table opened.
After everyone was sated, the Guest Speaker, Dr. Bob Paeglow gave the keynote speech. Dr. Bob is the founder of Koinonia Primary Care in the West Hill neighborhood of Albany, NY, one of its poorest neighborhoods. Because of his work with the poor in Albany and all over the world. (He has traveled to seven continents to help people who desperately needed health care.)
He spoke about the calling to help those in need and told of how he had a vision when he was in his early 30s of himself as a lonely, sorrowful old man and realized that it was because he had the ability to help people, but hadn’t. So he went to medical school to fulfill the path that he said God had laid out for him.
His overall message was, “Go!” He explained that that meant “to go to Mozambique, or anywhere in the world, including next door, but do something to help others. And encourage one another to do good works.”
“Bring hope,” he said, referring to the words on HACA’s logo, “there’s a vacuum of hope, the world needs hope.” There’s a lot of bad things happening in the world, and “we are the answer.”
HACA Director Dianne Hosterman gave out four awards. The Youth Award, which is given to a young person or youth group who has demonstrated a commitment to helping others through the HACA programs, was given to Stuart McCune. McCune has been a regular Food Pantry volunteer for two years, since he was 15. He has faithfully served on the busiest Wednesday nights of the month. His service did not come without hardship, as he balances school, football and social life to serve others.
Saint Gobain Hoosick Falls, represented by Barbara Lancour and Joe MacDonald, received the Community Award, which is given to a business or organization in the Hoosick Falls Area which has significantly assisted HACA in accomplishing its goals. Saint Gobain has consistently assisted HACA through monetary donations, food drives and turkeys for the Thanksgiving boxes, last year donating over 70 turkeys. Hosterman said, “It is with gratitude for not only the assistance given to HACA, but for the example set for the employees to want to participate as well that we give Saint Gobain this award.” The Partnership Award is given to an individual or individuals who have taken an active part in an activity of HACA which enabled it to be successful. For their active part in strengthening the HACA programs from Taste of Hoosick to Thanksgiving Boxes, Rick and Beth Ferrannini were given this award. “When the use of an off-site location was needed to stock, pack and distribute the Thanksgiving boxes Rick and Beth were more than willing to give us use of their building for over a month, making the distribution of 200 boxes go smoothly,” Hosterman said. The Volunteer of the Year Award was given to Rev. Mike Benoit of the Cornerstone Fellowship Church. Hosterman said, “when HACA began in the 60s or 70s, each member church had a full time pastor and a number of delegates who shared the responsibilities of HACA. Over the years those numbers dwindled and the responsibilities fell to fewer church leaders. Nevertheless, over the years, Pastor Mike remained, faithfully serving on the Board, at one time or another, filling all positions, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President and President; committee chair of the Food Pantry, Emergency Fund, pastoral care at the hospital, and Baccalaureate and Lenten Lunches.”
Brewer said in her closing statement that HACA has outgrown its space on John Street and will begin looking for grants and volunteers to help design an expanded facility.[/private]