To the Editor:
In reference to the article in The Eastwick Press on 9/29/15 Conflict Over ADA Compliance In Petersburgh: The issues of ADA compliance were brought to the Town’s attention almost three years ago. The Town Supervisor has steadfastly denied the Town is in violation of the ADA codes. [private]Mr. Krahforst continues to refuse to listen to the citizens of Petersburgh – he has more than once told me he will not listen to me. Unfortunately due to Mr. Krahforst’s refusal to act in the best interest of all the citizens of Petersburgh, this case was reported to the Department of Justice. The first step was to try mediation to avoid legal action and the associated cost of litigation. The mediation started in April 2015 and was moving along very well with the Town. Then on or about Sept 2, 2015 Mr. Krahforst announced: As stated before the Town does not have the funds available at this time or due to the 2016 budget constraints imposed by the State of New York, we will not be able the have the funds available through the Town. At this point it needs to be referred back to the Department of Justice as unresolved.
Mr. Webster’s comment: unfortunate that those trying to expedite compliance are quick to resort to “bluster,” and seem to prefer conflict to cooperation. Is three years too quick to resort to bluster or should I have waited until five years to resort to “Bluster”?
So I ask you if you could not drive your car in your driveway, would you wait three or five years to get your driveway repaired? The Town announced at the September Board meeting the Library received a grant to upgrade the Ramp for the Library. Also it was announced the Town is spending $3,000.00 (your tax dollars) to buy/build a dog kennel on the Town property, with lights and heat. I guess dogs are more important than the elder and disabled citizens of Petersburgh.
Thomas Berry
Proud concerned citizen of Petersburgh NY[/private]