by Steve Bradley
HF 3½ – Stillwater 1½
Hoosick Falls Country Club, 9/9, HF 12 – 2. Mathew Smith (HF) tied Frank Darwack. Conner Smith (HF) won against Brendan Wicheins, 4-3. Hayden Smith (HF) won against Jered Strazzi, 2-1. [private]

Photo by Steve Bradley
John Tetesco won against Gavin Playotes (HF), 4-3. Stephanie Merwin (HF) won against Brady Cooper, 4-3. The medalist was Conner Smith with a 41.
This concludes the regular league season for the Panthers, with a 12-2 record.
The Varsity League Golf Tournament will be held Friday, October 2, at the Troy Country Club. The club is located off Route 2 at 100 Troy Country Club Road. The event begins at 9 am.
The HFCS team will be made up of Conner Smith, Matt Smith, Hayden Smith and Ryan Bloomer. Teams from Cambridge, Granville, Greenwich, Hoosic Valley, Mechanicville, Stillwater and Tamarac will compete. All team members deserve a big hand.[/private]