Volunteer Firewood Day
Join the Staff and Friends of Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center for our Annual Volunteer Firewood Day. Everyone is welcome to help us prepare for the winter months by gathering, hauling, splitting and stacking firewood on Sataurday October 24 from 1 to 4 pm. Let us know you are coming [private]so we can plan the work and to make a reservation for dinner on us. Reservations for dinner must be made before October 18. You can contact the Center at 518-658-2055 or e-mail us at dykenpond@fairpoint.net. Everyone’s help is much appreciated!
Hunter’s Moon Hike
Join Ian Keefe on October 26 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm for a Full “Hunters” Moon Hike. This hike is for beginners and will cover about two miles of trails. Bring a headlamp and dress warmly. This program is free. A complete list of our programs can be found at: www.dykenpond.org.
Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center is a Rensselaer County Park open daily during daylight hours for hiking, fishing and non-motor boating. Canoes and kayaks are available for rent each day from 9 am until 3pm. Call for more information and a complete schedule of our autumn events.[/private]