submitted by Paula Kamperman
On Saturday, October 10, the HFCS PTA held its fifteenth annual Fall Festival with HFCS bustling with over 400 attendees with vendors selling their wares, kids doing craft projects, some amazing pumpkin displays, and everyone enjoying baked goods made by many volunteers and food provided by The Frying Dutchman.

The raffle items were a big hit – and the winners of them were quite pleased – The Pamper Me prize; won by Bob St. Hilaire; a Will Moses Print; won by Margaret Stevens, The Family Night Package; won by Carolena Young, The Date Night package; won by Teresa Cipperly, the 50/50 raffle; won by William Steller, and the teacher whose decorated pumpkin was selected by popular vote was 3rd grade teachers Miss Dougherty and Mrs. Scholis’ for “Lady Panther.” Each of the vendors also awarded door prizes. Congratulations to all the winners!
The ultimate winners, though, are the students of HFCS and our community. The PTA continues its commitment to families and helping to bring them together with friends for some fun, to meet new people, and to buy great local products. Although the purpose of this event isn’t to raise money, what is raised helps the PTA continue its financial support of classrooms and to bring special programs to the children and parents in our school district.
The PTA would like to extend thanks to all the local businesses and groups who offered their support, talents, and products including Potter Hill Barn, Peg Caron’s Custom Designs, Herrington’s Pumpkins, Maggie’s Beauty Salon, Sue Hale, Stewarts, Trustco Bank, Hoosick Federal Credit Union, Barbeque Recreation, Bennington Station, Bianca’s, and Frying Dutchman.
Special thanks goes to the dedicated HFCS Custodial Staff. In addition, the PTA couldn’t get the festival off the ground each year without the tireless efforts of its many dedicated volunteers, students and the generous support of the vendors and school personnel.[/private]