Accreditation Recognition presented at the Rensselaer County Public Safety Building
submitted by RCSO Public Affairs Officer Yvonne Keefe
Sheriff Jack Mahar today accepted an award from the New York State Sheriff’s Association in recognition that the Rensselaer County Sheriff’s Office has achieved Accreditation for the Correctional Facility. Sheriff Jack Mahar has stated that this achievement is the result of efforts by the Chief of Corrections, the accreditation team, and all correctional staff and support staff that work hard each and every day to insure that our community is safe and secure from those deemed a danger to be in our community.

Accreditation is a system in which an agency demonstrates its ability to meet New York State standards of excellence. The benefits of the accreditation program show that the Sheriff’s Office has established greater accountability within the agency thus reducing the agency’s liability exposure as well as gives the agency a strong defense against civil lawsuits. Other government officials are more confident in the Sheriff’s Office which in turn provides more community accountability. It shows that the Sheriff’s Office has a proactive management philosophy and pride within the organization.
Sheriff Mahar said he is extremely proud of the employees of the Rensselaer County Correctional Facility for their achievement. He stated that this award does not come easily and it verifies his belief that the Rensselaer County Jail is one of the safest, most efficient, and one of the best in the State. The fact that the Sheriff’s Office achieved 100% compliance verifies that the facility is among the very best and with such a strong dedicated work force he states this will be for a very long time.
“Achieving accreditation takes hard work by a lot of people. Sheriff Mahar, Undersheriff Patrick Russo, Chief of Corrections Edward Bly, and the entire staff of the Corrections Division deserve to be recognized for this achievement,” said NYS Sheriffs’ Association Executive Director Peter Kehoe.
The following individuals who spearheaded the effort to earn the accreditations were recognized at the ceremony: Chief of Corrections Edward Bly, Accreditation Manager Greg Buell, Lieutenant Stacey Sauer, and Nurse Administrator Heather Holliday.[/private]