by Deb Alter
Architects and Engineers from Clark, Patterson and Lee, the organization that is guiding the Hoosick Falls Central School District in developing its capital project, presented the Preliminary Scope of Work for that project to the Board at its August 20 workshop. The Board voted to accept the Preliminary Report. Some of the highlights are:
[private]Asbestos Abatement: Asbestos-containing ceiling tiles will be removed and replaced in eleven classrooms and the Elementary Library, as will flooring in three classrooms, the curtain wall in the High School Chorus Room, and breeching/tank/pipe insulation in the boiler room. These recommendations are based on the most current information, and will cost less than originally expected.
Security Upgrades: The video surveillance system, including cameras, cabling and software will all be brought up to date.
Bathroom Upgrades: Existing bathrooms will be made disabled accessible, plumbing fixtures will be replaced, new floors, wall and ceiling finishes will be installed, ventilation will be improved.
Kitchen: The walk-in cooler, hoods over ovens, ranges, kettles and the steamer will be replaced as well as the exhaust fans.
Energy/HVAC Improvements: There will be a new Building Management System (BMS) in which all systems will be digitally connected and have web-based controls, 20 unit ventilators will be modified (exhaust fans will be added) in order to bring them up to NYS Education Department code. A single rooftop air conditioning unit will be installed, serving several classrooms and the HS Library.
The existing boilers need to be replaced. The new pellet-fired boiler will be the main source of heat for the building, but a supplementary sytem is needed, fueled by either oil or propane.
Lighting Will Be Upgraded throughout the building, using energy-efficient lighting.
The fire alarm system will be completely replaced. (Currently there are several non-compatible systems in place.)
Technology and Communications Systems (Note: much of this work may be done via the Smart Schools Bond Fund): Replace Public Address (PA), clock and bell systems; install a district-wide Cisco VoIP phone system and LAN Infrastructure and wireless system so that HFCS can be a wireless campus; create a distance learning room; upgrade video infrastructure and add mobile video conferencing units; purchase 500 Chromebooks so that all students can have access to them.
There will be new emergency generators at the Main Building, and the existing generator will be moved to the bus garage.
Site Improvements may include resurfacing the athletic fields. More research is needed on the costs (installation and upkeep) and safety factors involved with the different options for natural and artificial turfs. The District currently uses 18,000 gallons per day to keep the fields in shape. The site improvement proposal also calls for replacing existing lighting poles (currently leased from National Grid) with district-owned poles connected to the District’s power system, adding additional poles for increased lighting.
Other items on the agenda include converting two elementary classrooms into science rooms, replacing manual bleachers in the HS gymnasium with automatic ones, and some structural improvements and drainage corrections at the bus garage.
Facin said that things look good from the outside, so people who are just driving by the campus say, “why spend money?” But many things in the District’s buildings really do need to be upgraded. “It’s not the glamorous stuff,” he explained, “but it is important and must be done.”
In order to help people understand the issues and the necessity of upgrading, replacing, fixing and adding to the District’s facilities, public forums, open houses, and tours, are planned, to educate the public and to get community feedback in advance of any public vote on a capital project.
The District has created a new position, Community Communications Manager, to be effective in September. This person will facilitate communication between the District, the parents and the community. The next School Board meeting is on Thursday, August 27 at 6 pm.[/private]