Old Chatham Quaker Meeting will screen “Gunned Down” Saturday, September 12 at 7 pm, preceded by a potluck at 6 pm at the Old Chatham Quaker Meetinghouse 539 County Route 13, Old Chatham, across from Pitt Hall Road and Powell House.
[private]Frontline’s “Gunned Down” investigates how the NRA uses its unrivaled political power to stop gun regulation in America. With first-hand accounts of school killings in Newtown and Columbine, and the shooting of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, Gunned Down examines why despite the national trauma over gun violence Washington hasn’t acted.
Refreshments and a moderated discussion will follow. For more information call 518-766-2992. For directions: www.oldchathamquakers.org.[/private]