The Kelly Miller Brothers Circus is returning to Berlin after several years’ hiatus. The all new 2015 season features tigers, an elephant, zebras, llamas, camels and a host of international circus stars from all over the world. [private]

Everyone is invited to step back in time as the Kelly Miller Brothers Circus brings the history and tradition of the old fashioned circus to Berlin on Thursday, July 9. Performances will be at 4:30 and 7:30 pm. at the Mill Street Grounds. Discount Tickets for the performances are $12 for adults and $6 for children and can be purchased online at, or from 9 am until noon on Circus Morning at the Circus Box Office. Ticket prices at the gate are $16 for adults and $8 for children.
On the morning of the show day, the public gets a special treat as the circus lot comes to life. Circus trucks pull onto the lot in the early morning hours and the animals are unloaded. Stakes are driven and the giant Big Top rises into the air, followed by a fascinating Tiger Meet and Greet session (with the tiger trainer present, of course.). Best of all, the public is welcomed to watch this entire spectacle free of charge. A knowledgeable circus veteran will be on hand to explain the action and answer questions about circus life. The tent raising/guided tour will begin at approximately at 9 am.
The 2015 Circus Acts
Elegant Elephant: She may weigh several tons, but she can dance like a prima ballerina. Anna Louise and her human partner Tom Demry trip the light fantastic. Elephant expertise like no other.
Talented Tigers: Ryan Holder is confident and comfortable with his sleek striped jungle giants as he presents an awe inspiring display of their remarkable natural abilities.
Mongolian Marvels: Mongolia’s masters of flight Zaya and Mindeh present a unique display of acrobatics, balance, strength and dance all high above the circus ring.
Prodigious Partners: Amazing animal exhibitor Mike Rice presents a seldom seen act of zebras and camels working together – synchronized sensation.
Fun from Finland: Making his first appearance in the U.S., Sebastian is a very popular ventriloquist from Finland. He has appeared on many TV programs in the Nordic countries and in the best circuses there. He is a master of comedy in many languages.
Ballistic Bouncer: Ethiopia’s energetic Abraham Gebre, moving at lightning speed, takes juggling in an entirely new direction. He bounces spheres in incredible patterns.
Juggling Genius: Multi-award winning Nicholas Souren amazes with his sensational speed and skill. You won’t believe your eyes when he keeps eight rings aloft at one time.
Laughter Department: Fagolino provides the silliness section of the circus. Plenty of laughs and lots of fun for all.
Trapeze Thriller: Topflight trapeze sensation Kimberly Souren executes magnificent maneuvers in the upper reaches of the big top. Guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat.
The Kelly Miller Brothers Circus, founded during the Depression, celebrates its seventy seventh anniversary this year. Founded in 1938 by Obert Miller and his sons, Kelly and Dores, this traditional tented circus has seen the passing of the millennium and still offers the same great family entertainment it presented in its humble beginnings. While the show in 1938 was little more than the Miller family, some ponies, and a couple of monkeys, they still moved about the country, as they do today, in trucks and went through the same routine each day of setting up and giving performances in a new town.
This season the Kelly Miller Brothers Circus will travel over 10,000 miles and give performances in over 200 cities and towns across North America from February through October. The all new edition promises a more exciting and extravagant exhibition than ever.
Please be assured that The Kelly Miller Brothers Circus is deeply committed to the health and well-being of our animals. Our animals are an important part of our circus family and we treat them accordingly. The Circus does not tolerate any cruelty to our animals. [/private]