Cantering Cowpokes 4-H Club won 1st place for the Prettiest Float in the 4th of July parade with our “Something’s Fishy” float and accompanying fish, mermaids, turtle, and sea horses. Along with our cash prize, we also won a red, white, and blue ribbon to add to our scrapbook. Even though we were very wet, we still had a good time!

Several members of the club went to observe the trail clinic at the Schaghticoke Fair Grounds and watched one of our members, Lindsay and her pony Cocoa, along with other 4-H members from Rensselaer County practice trail obstacles. Trail class is meant to introduce horses to obstacles that they may encounter while riding on a trail. Examples of obstacles are bridges, water holes, poles, mailboxes, gates, and jumps. We then enjoyed dinner and ice cream at Chrissys Cravings.
On July 26 the club attended the Saratoga Polo Games in Saratoga. A Polo Game is similar to soccer, but on horses. In a Polo Game the four person team of horses and riders use a mallet to move a ball up and down the field while riding, attempting to score a goal on their opponent. It is a fast paced and fun event to watch!
We are now planning our individual and group entries for the 4-H building at the Schaghticoke Fair, which runs from September 2 to 7. Look for our club exhibit on birds along with our recycled bird feeders and bird books! We also will have a club exhibit in the horse barn. Some of our members are also planning to take their horses to show Wednesday and Thursday and we will be working at the 4-H snack bar on Wednesday from 1 to 4 pm. We hope to see you! [/private]