American Red Cross Scholarship – For outstanding service to the American Red Cross blood drive. – Kolumbia Cook
Tony Altobell Memorial Scholarship – Given to a student who exhibits the highest degree of academic achievement in both breadth and depth of scientific study and research. Its recipient will reflect in his/her performance the most significant attainment of the knowledge and skills, which Mr. Altobell instilled in his students during his lengthy tenure at Hoosick Falls. This recipient must be one who intends to pursue at the college level a major in at least one of the sciences – Shane Barss

Auto Tech Award – Here at HFCS we have a group of students who we, as a faculty, rarely thank enough. They fix and change tires. They change oil and they troubleshoot a multitude of other auto related problems. This award is presented in appreciation for all of his hard work and dedication from a faculty member who would like to say “Thank you.” – Jake Bakaitis
Christian Action Award – Presented by Joyce Brewer – The Hoosick Area Church Association acknowledges deserving graduating seniors who have exhibited significant Christian attributes and service. This person must be of good Christian character, is actively involved in his/her church, and shows evidence of ethical concern, Christian witness and service to others – Madeline Ryan
Coach Ken Baker Memorial Scholarship Fund – Presented by first Baker Scholarship recipient Carly Pine and given to a student for commitment to excellence and high personal standards – Joshua Wood
Jon Beck Memorial Award – Given in memory of Jon Beck, Class of 1974, to the Senior who has shown outstanding interest in the field of agriculture and who is pursuing a career in agriculture – Kealan Hitt
Bennington Elks Most Valuable Scholarship – Presented by Terri Burdick on behalf of the Hoosick and Bennington, VT combined Elks to Taylor Flohr, Maxwell Haar Shaelynn Kelly, Lindsey McMahon and Elizabeth Philpott, Joshua Wood
2015 Blue Shield Scholar – Given to a student pursuing studies in health or human sciences and representing Blue Shield of Northeastern New York’s core values: teamwork, integrity, passion, personal responsibility, excellence, and respect – Casie Mann
Joseph E. Buckley III Memorial Award – Given to a Senior who demonstrates all around good citizenship in the performance of school related activities – Jacob Nolan
Joseph E. Buckley III Scholarship Fund Award – Given to a deserving student as an aid in the pursuit of a chosen vocation or profession –
Ashly Cumbo
Capital Zone Physical Education Award – Presented by Lisa Ferrannini and given to the senior male and female student for their commitment to their education and health. Criteria for attaining this award require a high level of physical performance, scholastic achievement, leadership qualities, and service to the school and community – Colby Davendonis and Rachel Pine
Victoria M. Cicero Memorial Award – Given in memory of devoted mathematics teacher, Victoria M. Cicero, presented by Kathy Dallemagne to a student who will pursue a career in teaching or another field of human services, or to a student who demonstrates a caring attitude toward other students and works hard in his/her math studies – Shaelynn Kelly
Class of 2015 Most Improved Student Award – Jacob Matte-Yorke
H. Bradford Cole Music Prize Presented by Robert Allen and – given to the outstanding instrumental student – Christopher Redick
Presented by Ambigay Yudkoff and given to the outstanding all-around musician – Dylan Malo
Stephen Colvin Memorial Scholarship given in memory of Stephen Colvin to a student that will be playing a sport in college – Mark Hackett and Rachel Pine
Cornell Cooperative Extension 4-H Teen Council Scholarship given to a senior for outstanding achievements and allegiance to Rensselaer County 4-H – Justin Gaines
George “Gid” Cuddihy Memorial Bowling Award – Given in memory of George “Gid” Cuddihy, who was an avid bowler in Hoosick Falls for approximately “70” years, to a Senior member of the bowling team whose performance, spirit, leadership, integrity, and good sportsmanship contributed the most to the success of the team during the past season – Kenneth Marbot
Curtis Lumber Award – Given to an outstanding Senior pursuing a career in building construction or architectural technology with emphasis on project development or architectural design – Alexander Krause
DAR Good Citizen Award – Presented to a Senior who demonstrates all-around good citizenship in the performance of school-related activities – Shaelynn Kelly
DePaula Chevrolet Automotive Technician Scholarship – Presented by Tom Restino to a senior pursing post-secondary training for a position as an automotive (or diesel) technician. The scholarship is to be used for tuition and will be paid directly to the educational institution upon the student’s matriculation into an automotive or diesel repair program – Christian Nolet
Derby Club Community Prize – Awarded to the student who has made a most significant contribution in school-student activities – Colby Davendonis
Dignitas Ephemeris Award – Presented by David Coffey – This award recognizes achievement and excellence in journalism. As a positive influence upon peers, the winner of this award has showcased community mindedness and strong moral purpose through a responsible dedication to journalist code and ethic. The recipient of this award has distinguished himself or herself in academic pursuit consistent with the knowledge, skills, and values that form the goals and objectives of the HFCS District – Emily Martin
Earth Club Recognition – Given to members of Earth Club for their outstanding service – Lauren Cottrell and Shaelynn Kelly
Douglas J. Eighmey Memorial Award – Presented by Tom Husser and given to the Senior male and female athlete selected by the coaching staff and principal based on the criteria of extent of participation in varsity competition and demonstration of the qualities of leadership and sportsmanship – Mark Hackett and Rachel Pine
Elmira College Key Award – Given to a member of the Junior class last year in recognition of high scholastic achievement, leadership, citizenship, and participation in extracurricular activities – Rachel Pine and Madeline Ryan
Charles And Margaret Frazier Scholarship Award – Given in honor and memory of former Board member, Charles Frazier, to a deserving male and female who have exhibited a high degree of cooperation with faculty and administration – Savannah Haber and Austin Pitt
Margaret Frazier Scholar Athlete Award – Presented by Tom Husser and given by the HFCS Athletic Varsity Club to the Senior boy and girl who represent high qualities of both scholarship and athletic ability – Shaelynn Kelly and Joshua Wood
Timothy H. Gifford Memorial Scholarship – Given in memory of Timothy Gifford, an active farmer and an enthusiastic member of Rensselaer County 4-H, showing both sheep and cows at the Schaghticoke Fair, to a student pursuing a post-secondary education in agriculture or mechanics with a history of farming – Justin Gaines
Greenfield Award – Given in memory of Brian Green to a student that has shown perseverance – Monita Matte
Michael Hackett & Robert Scanlon Scholarship Award – Presented by Maureen Carknard and Mary Bradley and given by the families and friends of Michael and Bob to graduating Seniors who have displayed courage and strength throughout their high school years. Through the good and the bad, these graduates have excelled in academics and have participated and excelled in athletics. They have displayed strength in character, in leadership and in friendship through their actions and relationships with adults, with their peers and with young children – William Bradley, Lauren Cottrell, Mark Hackett and Elizabeth Philpott
James Harrington Memorial Scholarship – Presented by Colleen Schmigel and given in memory of James Harrington by friends, family, and the Dan Koziol and James Harrington Memorial Fund to the graduating senior who lives life to the fullest while improving the lives of those around them and/or enjoys outdoor sports and gaming – Tyler O’Hare
Mason And Betty Harrison Business Award – Given in memory of Mason and Betty Harrison to a business student who is endeavoring to pursue business as a career – Shayne Richard
Jack Hayden Memorial Award – Presented by Tom Husser to the Senior football player who, in the opinion of the Athletic Selection Committee, has demonstrated on and off the field those qualities of leadership, spirit, ability, and citizenship that Jack Hayden so aptly displayed while he represented Hoosick Falls – Colby Davendonis
Howard H. Haynes Kiwanis Scholarship – Presented by Wendy Larsen. Through the generosity of Howard and Mary Haynes a trust fund was established to create a scholarship to assist a graduating senior at HFCS with the expense of their secondary education. The recipient is chosen by academic achievement, extra curricular and/or community involvement and individual citizenship – Lindsey McMahon
Hazel M. Hill Award – Presented by the Ondawa-Cambridge Chapter of the Daughters of American Revolution in memory of Hazel M. Hill, lifelong resident of West Hoosick active in finance and banking, to a deserving Senior pursuing an education in business – Kolumbia Cook
HAYC3 Community Service Award – What HAYC3 does, both in the Youth Center and Armory, and out in the community is what defines us. Working together with other sectors of the community like the schools, churches, businesses, service and volunteer organizations, law enforcement, local government agencies and others, we strive to provide programs and community-oriented initiatives while working to raise awareness of the importance of engaging with each other, as a community, to make the Hoosick area a place where people of all ages and walks of life feel a sense of belonging. – Maxwell Haar
Hoosick Falls Teachers’ Association Awards – Presented by Ellie Danforth and given to a senior who has demonstrated a positive work ethic and/or courage in overcoming various hardships – Chelsea Stevens
Award given to a senior for his/her academic performance and/or artistic achievement – Elizabeth Philpott
Award given to a senior who demonstrates outstanding courtesy and respect to both their teachers and their fellow students – Andrew Hoag
Two awards given to a senior boy and girl who have displayed meaningful scholarship and service to school and community – William Charbonneau and Kolumbia Cook
Hoosick Federal Credit Union Award – Given to the individual who approaches his every endeavor with a positive energy and infectious enthusiasm that makes the HFCS community proud. This student’s willingness to help others brings honor to himself, his family and HFCS. This person exhibits a passion for hard work and a willingness to go above and beyond to help improve himself and those around him – Taylor Flohr
Hoosick Grange Prize – Presented to the outstanding student in auto mechanics – Kealon Hitt
Hoosick Grange Prize – Presented to the outstanding student in business – Kolumbia Cook
Hoosick Grange Prize – Presented by Robert Allen to the student who has shown excellence in music – Ciaely Sânchez-Collazo
W.L. Hutt Memorial Prize – Given to the student with the highest Regents exam average – Maxwell Haar
JLS Foundation – Presented by John Liporace. The JLS Foundation, which honors the memory of the late John Liporace, Sr., was created to empower high school students at HFCS to realize their fullest potential. Students were judged on a written essay, academic achievements, personal work history, community involvement and extra-curricular activities. The scholarship winner will receive a monetary gift and a matching donation will be made to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society – Madeline Ryan
Jenkins PTA Award – Presented by Jen O’Connor and given by the PTA to assist outstanding students in preparing for the teaching profession – Chelsea Stevens
President John F. Kennedy Achievement Award – From the Joseph E. Buckley III Trust Fund presented to the member of the Senior Class who has demonstrated outstanding intellectual or physical courage – William Bradley
Kiwanis Good Citizen Award – Presented by Wendy Larson to two students that have been good citizens at school and in the community – Katherine O’Dell and Garrett Wright
Daniel T. Koziol Memorial Scholarship – Presented by Colleen Schmigel and given in memory of Dan Koziol by friends, family and the Dan Koziol and James Harrington Memorial Fund to the graduating senior who lives life to the fullest while improving the lives of those around them and/or enjoys outdoor sports and gaming – Chelsea Stevens
Stanley Marcus Humanitarian PTA Award – Presented by Jen O’Connor, this award is given to a student who has demonstrated outstanding volunteer community service – Elizabeth Philpott
The Maverick Award – Presented by Ben Gains and given by the Hoosic Trail Master Snowmibile Club to a student for outstanding accomplishments and contributions – Justin Gaines
Isabel McGuire Memorial Scholarship – Presented by Leo McGuire and is awarded to students who have demonstrated great perseverance and determination in their studies of math while challenging themselves academically. These students exemplify Miss McGuire’s love of family, friends, community and learning and always end the day with a smile. Shaelynn Kelly, Elizabeth Philpott and Madeline Ryan
NYS Academic Excellence Award – Given to the three students with the overall highest Regents average – Maxwell Haar, Lindsey McMahon and Elizabeth Philpott
Joyce Peckham Memorial Award – Awarded to the student with the highest average in Social Studies and lives in the Town of Pittstown – Chad Miner
The Pioneer Fish And Game Club Award – Presented to a Senior boy or girl who shows concern for the wise use of our natural resources and has been accepted to a two or four year environmental study college – Damon Dubois
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Medal – Presented last year to the young man/woman in the Junior Class who is ranked in the top 10% of the class and has excelled in advanced math and science courses, and exhibits significant involvement in extracurricular activities – Lindsey McMahon
Edith Craig Reynolds Scholarship – Given in memory of Edith Craig Reynolds – Max Haar and Shaelynn Kelly
Rochester Institute of Technology Computing Medal – Presented to members of last year’s Junior Class that ranked in the top 10%, are involved as leaders and demonstrate an interest and ability in computing and are pursuing a rigorous college preparatory curriculum – William Charbonneau and Elizabeth Philpott
Rochester Institute of Technology Innovation and Creativity Award Program – Given in recognition of outstanding achievement in innovation and creativity – Casie Mann and Austin Pitt
Wayne Roberts Memorial Music Award – Presented by Robert Allen and given in memory of Wayne Roberts, Class of 1946, by his family to the outstanding graduating instrumental music student who has also demonstrated interest in and ability with the piano – Shaelynn Kelly
School Systems Federal Credit Union – Awarded to a senior that has shown involvement above and beyond his or her peers in their community. They have shown a willingness to help others, and shown an effort to better improve his or her community – Rachel Pine
Ethel Cipperly Sherin Memorial Award – Given to a member of the senior class for excellence in Social Studies – Casie Mann
Given to a member of the senior class for excellence in Foreign Language study – Maxwell Haar
Social Studies Key Award – Presented by Ellie Danforth and given by the Social Studies Department to the senior boy or girl who most clearly demonstrates integrity, good citizenship and intellectual curiosity – Nicholas Bohmer
The Society Of Mayflower Descendants In The State Of New York Educational Award – Presented by Ellie Danforth to two Seniors with a proficiency in the study of the history of the United States and understanding of the Constitution – William Bradley and Joshua Wood
Jeffrey M. Stratton Memorial Scholarship – A scholarship in memory of Jeffrey M. Stratton and awarded to a Senior boy or girl who has been accepted and will be attending a four-year college, who has demonstrated academic excellence by maintaining an honor roll average (grades 9 through 12), and participated in both varsity athletics and performing arts – Shaelynn Kelly
Student Council Award – Kolumbia Cook, Shaelynn Kelly, Rachel Pine and Sarah Schultz
Student Council Scholarship – Given for service and dedication to the Student Council – Kolumbia Cook and Sarah Schultz
William D. Thomas Memorial Senior Honor Prize – Given for the highest four year average – Valedictorian – Maxwell Haar, second highest four year average – Salutatorian Lindsey McMahon
Given On Behalf Of Thorpe’s Pharmacy – To a student showing excellence in character and citizenship – Abigail Brown
Town of Hoosick Democratic Committee Prize – Given by the Town of Hoosick Democratic Committee to a student residing in the Town who has shown scholarship and interest in government – Sarah Schultz
Town Of Hoosick Lions Club Harold Shapiro Memorial Award – Given to the outstanding female athlete of the graduating class – Rachel Pine
Town Of Hoosick Republican Committee Prize – Presented by Jeff Wysocki and given by the Town of Hoosick Republican Committee to a student residing in the town who has shown scholarship, interest in government and his community – Kenneth Marbot
Trail Masters Award – Presented by Ben Gaines and given by the Hoosic Trail Master Snowmobile Club to a student in recognition of hours and volunteer services in Trail Maintenance, Trail Signage and Land Owner Relations – Kolumbia Cook
Lancelee James Trimm Gift Fund – Presented by Melodee James with Wayne Trimm and family and given in memory of Lancelee. He was a musician, actor, theater technician, poet, writer, and graphic artist. In short, Lancelee loved all art in all its forms. The award is given to students that demonstrate creative promise with the hope to assist those pursuing careers in the arts and those who utilize art in their journey of self discovery – Rebecca Nielsen and Maxwell Haar
United States Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award – Maxwell Haar and Rachel Pine
United States Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award – Elizabeth Philpott
United States Marine Corps Semper Fidelis Award for Musical Excellence – Lindsey McMahon
University of Rochester Bausch & Lomb Science Award – Presented last year to a member of the Junior Class that had high achievement and rigor in science classes and a high PSAT Math and/or SAT Math scores – Maxwell Haar
University of Rochester Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony Award – Presented last year to a member of the Junior Class that has demonstrated commitment to understanding and addressing social issues, leadership, and a dedication to community action. The student should also have strong grades and rigorous courses taken in the humanities and social sciences – Chrisropher Redick
University of Rochester Xerox Award – Presented last year to a member of the Junior Class who has demonstrated a strong interest in innovation and/or information technology and is proven to be a high achiever in this area – Shaelynn Kelly
University of Rochester George Eastman Young Leaders Award – Presented last year to a member of the Junior Class that has shown strong academic achievement, leadership skills, and shows dedication to varied activities – Elizabeth Philpott
Van Rensselaer Masonic Temple Award – Presented by Bruce Hansen and given to a Senior boy and Senior girl showing the greatest academic improvement over four years – Lauren Cottrell and Mark Hackett
Volunteer Service Award – Given to Seniors who have volunteered for any Rescue Squad or Fire Department – Jake Bakaitis, Colby Davendonis, Taylor Flohr, Christian Nolet, Zaynah Poore, Makayla Sonnet and Sidney Young
Wells College Leadership Award – For recognition of outstanding contributions as a student and as a leader – Kolumbia Cook
Walter A. Wood Alumni Association Scholarship – Given to two students for their hard work and dedication to learning and that will be attending college in the fall – Noah Chani and Alyssa Houghton
Top Scholars
Given to the top 10 students of the Class of 2015 – Maxwell Haar, Lindsey McMahon, Elizabeth Philpott, Christopher Redick, Shaelynn Kelly, Joshua Wood, Ashly Cumbo, Emily Martin, Taylor Flohr and Casie Mann
Honor Awards
Given to students that have maintained a 90 or above average fore the first three markings period. – Shane Barrs, Devin Bettis, William Bradley, Abigail Brown, William Charbonneau, Kolumbia Cook, Lauren Cottrell, Ashly Cumbo, Taylor Flohr, Maxwell Haar, Mark Hackett, Kealan Hitt, Alyssa Houghton, Shaelynn Kelly, Casie Mann, Emily Martin, Lindsey McMahon, Rebecca Nielsen, Jacob Nolan, Elizabeth Philpott, Austin Pitt, Christopher Redick, Madeline Ryan and Joshua Wood