by Corinne Philpott
It was Dairy Princess Night at Hoosick Grange on June 10. David Schmidt was in charge of the program, and he introduced the Rensselaer County Dairy Princess, Isabella Wiley. She told us she will be a Junior in high school in the fall. She helps out on the farm by milking 30 cows at night.[private] They have a pipeline milking system. She said she owns a favorite cow. She wants to go on to college and after that she will help her father run the farm business. She answered questions and served us a delicious punch. The lecturer thanked Isabella and David Schmidt for arranging the program.
The Grange had a short open meeting and discussed business. The lecturer had a short program. She said June is dairy month and wedding month. She had a reading on “Something New at the Wedding” and had a number of Jokes and a closing thought – beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
The next meeting is on June 24. Refreshment committee is Carleton and Corinne Philpott.[/private]