by Bea Peterson
The annual Hoosick Falls Flag Day Ceremony was hosted by American Legion Post #40 outdoors at its headquarters on Main Street on Sunday, June 14… Flag Day. Mistress of Ceremonies was Elks member Terri Burdick who described the evolution of the American flag from its beginnings up to today. The various flags were carried by senior Boy and Girl Scouts from the Legion building through an honor guard of very young future girl and boy scouts.[private]

Wonderful patriotic music was played by the Hoosick Falls Community Band throughout the ceremony. Everyone participating and those attending pledged allegiance to the flag and sang the National Anthem. Director of Veterans Services for Rensselaer County Peter Goebel told the crowd that the American flag is one of the oldest national flags in the world and has undergone 25 changes through its history. He asked that all veterans be remembered for their service on this day.
Rensselaer Country Legislator Stan Brownell detailed the Pledge and its meaning… a pledge is a promise, he began. Town of Hoosick Supervisor Mark Surdam said he was honored to be at the event and reminded those attending to never underestimate the symbol the flag represents. Hoosick Falls Mayor Dave Borge said patriotism, the flag and what it symbolizes has to be reborn with every generation at events such as this. He added he was proud to say he had grandchildren that were participating in the event. [/private]
On a pleasant Sunday evening the ceremony concluded with the sounding of Taps. Refreshments followed.