submitted by Biffy Cahill
On Wednesday, May 6, Youth 2 Youth Berlin did a presentation to the Rensselaer County Legislature and Rensselaer County Executive Kathy Jimino, during the legislative open forum. Legislator Rob Bayly, Legislator Todd Tesman, County Executive Kathleen Jimino, Legislator Judith Breselor, Chair of the Legislature Martin Reid, Legislator Kelly Hoffman, Legislator Tom Walsh and Vice Chair of the Legislature Stan Brownell joined students Jordan Cahill, Rachel Cahill, Amanda Despart & Phillip Doin, along with adult facilitator, Biffy Cahill. They thanked the legislature for sponsoring a youth’s attendance at the Youth 2 Youth Eastern States Conference in 2014, and delivered a presentation on their efforts to reduce substance abuse in the four communities of the Berlin Central School District. The group of high school students received respect and praise for their knowledge and efforts.
The group, which has secured contracts with the four towns of Berlin Central School District, will send two young people from each town in exchange for their substance abuse prevention efforts and community service. It continues to seek sponsors and donations from local churches, businesses and community members.
Since getting more youth involved increases the impact of the program, the group hopes to send at least 15 kids to the Eastern State Conference this year. To do this they need to raise $6,375. For more information, please contact Biffy Cahill, TRACs President, at 518-791-2001 or All donations can be sent to TRACs (Together Reducing Alcohol & Drugs in our CommunitieS), c/o Biffy Cahill, TRACs President, 58 CCC Dam Rd, Stephentown, NY 12168.