The Rensselaer Plateau Working Forest Initiative will host a free open house on Tuesday, June 2 from 3 to 7 pm at the Old Daley Inn on Crooked Lake in Sand Lake. “This will be a great chance for landowners to learn about land conservation opportunities that might be available to them,” said RPA President Jim Bonesteel. There will be a number of tables with experts who can answer questions about Forest Legacy funding or the sale of development rights, the Master Forest Owner program, and conservation easements and other land conservation tools. We will also have an attorney/land use planner to answer legal questions and an ecologist and mapping specialist who can talk to you about the ecology of your land on the Plateau. Representatives from the Agricultural Stewardship Association, NYSDEC, New York Forest Owners Association, Rensselaer Land Trust and the Rensselaer Plateau Alliance will be available. This workshop is for people who would like to conserve their forestlands for future generations, are considering selling or donating development rights on their forestlands, or are interested in other programs listed above. For information, directions or to express interest visit or call 518-794-9160.