by Steve Bradley
Hoosick Falls Central School held its Junior Prom last Saturday on a beautiful afternoon. Students gathered at locations around the area prior to the event to have pictures taken, check out everyone’s attire and give the parents a chance to make sure their child looked just right.
All couples arrived at the school at 4:15, and after a few more pictures, everyone moved into the auditorium for the Grand March. Couples were introduced as they walked the aisle to meet on the stage. Once everyone was introduced, the suspense of who would be the king and queen, along with their court, began.
The court was made up of McKenzie Bradley, Kara LaFlamme, Keelan Seifert and Megan Flynn, Wyatt Whitman, Riley Bacon, Jeremy St. Onge and Kellan Skott. With the suspense building, Wyatt Cushman was named King and Anna Wysocki was crowned Queen of the 2015 Prom.
Prince was Christopher St. Onge and the princess was Tatum Hickey.
After the program concluded at the school, the promgoers went to Franklin Terrace in Troy for dinner and dancing. From there, they returned to school for entertainment and to catch a little sleep while waiting to be transported to Villa Roma in the Catskills for a day of fun. Returning home Sunday evening, it is assumed all the students were ready to get a nice long sleep Sunday night.