by Deb Alter
Nine teachers with a combined 191 years of service to HFCS who are retiring at the end of this school year were honored by the School Board and Superintendent at the Tuesday, May 19 Board Meeting. Five teachers were awarded tenure.
Board President Greg Laurin announced the retirees, and Superintendent Facin spoke about each one. Bruce Bailey, science teacher, started the outdoor education and 7X programs, and was “enthusiastic about sharing his love of science with his students,” said Facin. Mary (Terri) Burdick, a third grade teacher, has a love of service, a love of kids, and perseverance. She “is an unparalleled educator who supports all kids and instills a passion for learning in each one.” Kathy Cranell, Spanish teacher, who started as an art teacher, then switched to Spanish, “has a deep rapport with her students, and taught more than just language in her classroom.”
Special Education teacher Michael Fritz, “makes a special connection with his kids and gets them to rise to the occasion. His dedication, care and concern helped his students make it.”
Thessalia (Lia) Nielsen, English teacher, “is the nicest person I’ve ever met’” Facin said, “and the kids really appreciate that kindness. And she could really get kids to write, which is no easy feat. She makes the school a better place and always goes the extra mile, “ he continued.
Roy Nielsen, automotive technology teacher, “connects with all of his kids, and taught them to love and master automotive technology and to believe in themselves. This school would not be what it is today without him.
Sheryl Rifenburg, special ed, “was a surrogate mom to so many of her kids who helped them move on to better things.” Teaching assistant Margaret Lemire, is such a professional in the classroom, helping to make it a community of learners. She goes above and beyond the title of TA, she is a teacher.”
The last (but certainly not least) retiree on the list was Kathy Sheffer, the CSE secretary. According to Facin, “Kathy has intense value. She lives in and loves the Hoosick community and the school, and it shows.” She does whatever it takes to get things done, and is always one of the first to step up in a crisis.” The Board and the Superintendent wished them all well on their next journeys. “They will all be missed.”
Facin started his comments about the newly tenured teachers by emphasizing that, “tenure is earned, not given.” Speech teacher Keturah Perkins-Trembley, “has been an outstanding member of the faculty.” Art Teacher Rob Viera, Jr., “has a great range and reaches all of his students. His passion lives on in his students.” AIS math Teacher Jessica Dougherty who will be joining the third grade team next year, is “amazing. For her, teaching is a lifestyle. She gets it.” John MacDonald, ESL teacher, “does an incredible, remarkable job getting kids up to speed in English. He is a bridge between school and community, always reaching out to families who need him.” This is his third tenure appointment, having previously earned tenure in ELA and special education. Mario Torres was granted tenure as Attendance Teacher. Facin has known Torres since he (Facin) had been a teacher himself. Back then, Facin had cut Torres from the basketball team, but is thrilled to have him on the Hoosick Falls faculty team. “HFCS has a low truancy rate because he works with the kids in every way. He works with PINS, CPS and other social services, and will even go out and get a kid and bring him or her to school.”
The meeting then broke for a celebratory reception at which delicious strawberry shortcake was served.