On May 7, one high school and one middle school team from Berlin CSD competed in the 2015 Capital Regional Envirothon competition at New York State Power Authority’s Visitor Center in Gilboa, NY. The Berlin High School team won the competition for Rensselaer County and will advance to the state competition to be held May 27 and 28 at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, NY.

This team based academic competition tested high school students on their knowledge and consensus decision making in five areas; Aquatics, Wildlife, Forestry, Soils and Current Issues like forest management and the Emerald Ash Borer beetle that has become so destructive to ash trees in the region.
“I am proud to announce that for the fourth year in a row, Berlin has been recognized as the Rensselear County champs,” said Berlin CSD Superintendent Dr. Steven Young. “It’s important that students have the opportunity to take what they’ve learned from the district’s programs and apply it in nature. The competitive aspect of Envirothon shows that our students are well versed in issues both inside and outside the classroom.”
Students practiced and studied for months leading up to the competition, using their knowledge from Grade 7 Science to identify trees and animals, and High School Living Environment and Earth Science.
According to co-advisor Amanda Oligny, students gain valuable connections by participating in the event. The event volunteers are all Department of Environmental Conservation officials.
“Students can go into Envirothon without a thought that they might someday attend college,” she said. “Now, some of those same students can see college as an option.”