submitted by Coach Bob Lang
The Hoosick Falls bowling team defeated North Warren on Thursday, December 4, by the score of 4-0. Hoosick Falls had total match pins of 3,243, and North Warren had total match pins of 2,450. Hoosick Falls now has a league point total of 8-0 and an overall match record of 3-0. North Warren has a league point record of 0-12.

Top bowlers for Hoosick Falls were Ken Marbot 238-623, Josh McCart 216-609, Jon Bossoni 191-559 and Jennifer Sargood 193-533.
Other good JV and exhibition scores were Tyler Lindsey 196-476, Matt Bulson 146-407, James Hynd 150, Owynn Arnold 149 and Chris Snyder 139.
“The lane conditions were difficult because of a lot of oil down the lanes. It took most of the bowlers at least a game to find the right line and play the proper speed to throw the ball. They were very patient and kept trying different lines before they finally got lined up. The extra oil also made it harder to make spares, but they did a good job adjusting. This was a good experience on away lanes which will help us in future matches if we run into this extreme oil pattern,” said Coach Lang.