submitted by Allison Acton, Boots & Bridles News Reporter
The Boots and Bridles 4H club held its October meeting on October 18 in Berlin. Officers for the 2014-2015 club year were elected as follows: President – Emma Woolley, Vice President – Shelly Davis, Secretary – Christina Shupe, Treasurer – Aidan Czub, Club Historian – Molly Czub, News Reporter – Alli Acton.
The Club’s activity for the day was learning about bees, beekeeping and honey extraction. Club members saw a demonstration of honey extraction, dipped beeswax candles, made beeswax lip balm and bottled raw natural honey. Many thanks to our presenters!
Many members of Boots and Bridles also attended the Rensselaer County 4H Horse Program end of year banquet held in Poestenkill on October 25. Several members earned multiple honors and achievements.
The next club meeting will be held on November 22 in Johnsonville, when members will complete a craft project which can be entered in the upcoming 4H Winter Fair.