by Steve Bradley
Last Thursday the Lady Panther soccer team traveled over to Mechanicville to face the (7 – 4) Red Raiders. When the game was over, the Panthers came home with a 1 – 0 win. In the first half, with an assist from Angela Gonzalez, Jordyn Haynes scored the only goal needed to win the game.
On Monday the team hosted (3-4-2) Hoosic Valley in Hoosick at Delurey Field. Head coach Brittany Pine’s team wasted no time letting Hoosic Valley know who was the better team. The Panthers roared out to a 5 – 0 halftime lead then turned on the cruise control for the second half. Rachel Pine had four first half goals, and Alyssa Houghton scored two goals, one in each half, as the Panthers rolled. Heidi Bossoni, Meg Flynn, Jordyn Haynes, Kelly Pine and Rachel Pine each had one assist. Jayde Tutujian had five saves in goal for the Panthers, Indians’ goalie L’Rae Brundige had eight.
Wednesday the Ladies made the quick trip to Cambridge to face the (2-5) Indians. The Panthers returned with an 8 – 1 victory. Jordyn Haynes had a hat trick (3 goals). Haynes’ second goal was the 100th goal of her stellar career. Taylor Mann scored twice, Casey Mann, Rachel Pine, Angela Gonzalez each scored one goal.
The Ladies record now stands at 11 – 1 overall and 9 – 0 in league play.
The regular season is rapidly coming to an end. Friday, October 10, will find the Ladies traveling to Stillwater with a 4 pm start on the turf. On Wednesday, October 15, Greenwich will visit Delurey Field, and the final regular season game will be against Granville on Friday, October 17, at home. The Greenwich and Granville games are scheduled to begin at 4:15 pm.