by Bea Peterson
On Tuesday evening, August 5, about 50 veterans and their spouses enjoyed a professionally catered dinner, compliments of the Brunswick Elks. Veteran and Brunswick Elks Exalted Ruler Paul Greenberg made it all possible, and in short order.
[private]The Brunswick Elks applied for a grant from the National Elks organization with the idea of providing a special home cooked lunch for veterans at the Albany VA Hospital. “It didn’t happen,” said Greenberg. “We just couldn’t work it out, what with the VA system the way it is right now.” The grant money had a time line, or it had to be returned.
Greenberg contacted Rensselaer County Executive Kathy Jimino who put him in touch with the County Veterans Office who then put him in touch with John Holmes of Heroes at Home and Gail Smith of Voice of a Vet. In less than a week they contacted veterans from Petersburgh, Hoosick, Hoosick Falls, the Cambridge area and Bennington, VT. And so, the dinner was held in the Hoosick Falls American Legion Post #40 Hall. They didn’t reach everyone, of course, but they made a valiant effort, and those who did come received a great meal and words of appreciation for their service.
Hoosick Falls resident Gail Smith works with veterans through the Voice of a Vet program at the Community Alliance Church. She has been responsible for several programs honoring veterans.
John Holmes, from Rensselaer County’s Heroes at Home, is a Military Community Liaison. He is at the American Legion building on Main Street every Tuesday and Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. His role is to listen to any veteran who wants to just talk through his or her experiences.
