by Steve Bradley
Hoosick Falls Central School junior class students held their prom last Saturday. Students began by gathering at different locations to pose for pictures for parents and friends. The weather was perfect for the formal occasion and added nicely to the enjoyment for all.
[private]With the Grand March scheduled to begin at 4:30 pm, prom-goers began arriving at the school around 4. The interesting part was
just how some of the students arrived. Couples arrived in tractors, in buggies pulled by two horses and in a troop transport vehicle. Others arrived via limousines and family vehicles.
The Grand March, held in the school auditorium, was enjoyed by all in attendance. All the couples were introduced and after walking down the aisle, stopped and posed for a picture at the front of the stage.
After the couples were introduced, the Court was named. Rachel Pine, Jake Bakaitis, Alyssa Houghton, Will Bradley, Shaelynn Kelly, Jake Nolan, Abby Brown and Garrett Wright comprised the Court. Moments later Mark Hackett was named King, and last year’s king, Levi Brewster, placed the crown on his head. Finally, Madeline Ryan was named the Queen of the Court. Last year’s queen, Mollie Henry, placed the crown on Maddy’s head to begin her reign.
When the festivities had ended and all the pictures were taken, the prom-goers boarded a bus to make the trip to Troy to enjoy a dinner at Revolution Hall. The hall was opened for the evening by junior student Abby Brown’s dad for the special occasion. After students enjoyed their meal, they returned to HFCS for some entertainment and some sleep.
After an early morning wake-up call, the students once again boarded a bus to head down the Northway to New Paltz. Here they enjoyed another beautiful day at the 259 room Mohonk Mountain House. Located on the lakeside ledges of Lake Mohonk, the large historic hotel provided plenty of things to do. There was swimming, tennis, 85 miles of hiking trails and canoeing, among other things. In 2008, the resort was awarded the “Number One Resort Spa in the United States.”
The students arrived back at HFCS around 6 pm. It was a day everyone will pleasantly remember for the rest of their lives.