• Sample the Waters at Kinderhook Creek Preserve with Fran Martio on Saturday, June 7, from 10 am to 12 pm. This is the first of two stream walks the Rensselaer Land Trust will host to sample the waters of native brook trout spawning streams. Participants will conduct simple visual assessments of habitat to gain a greater appreciation of local stream ecology. We’ll poke around looking for aquatic insects that come in many sizes and shapes as well as a wide range of pollution tolerance levels. This is a hands-on, feet-wet outing so come prepared to wade in the stream, learn about stream ecosystems and have some fun. The field study will be beneficial to citizen volunteers who desire to establish a stream monitoring program. To register contact Francille Egbert at 518-674-3214 or fran.egbert@gmail.com. Information on the meeting place will be given at the time of registration. There is no charge for this event.
• Top Ten Easy Non-Gilled Edible Mushrooms on Thursday, June 12, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm in the Cowee Conference Room, 4th floor, Russell Sage College, Troy. Mycologist Sue Van Hook will teach you how to identify ten species of delicious wild fungi that commonly occur in our area. Learn or get a refresher on chicken and hen of the woods, morels, puffballs, boletes, chanterelles, trumpets and hedgehogs. If you already know these mushrooms, sign-up for the workshop below. The cost is $10. Register with Marcy Steinberg at 518-674-2171 or marcygs@aol.com.
• Ready to Learn the Gilled Fungi on Thursday, June 12, from 7:45 to 8:45 pm in the Cowee Conference Room 4th floor, Russell Sage College, Troy. For those who feel comfortable enjoying the top ten edibles, it is time to tackle the gilled fungi. This talk will focus on learning stature types, gill attachment, stipe types and spore colors. A copy of How to Know the Mushrooms I by David Largent is a must. Bring your copy or Sue will have copies for sale for $20. The cost is $10. To register contact Marcy Steinberg at 518-674-2171 or marcygs@aol.com.