The Rensselaer County Soil & Water Conservation District wants to help you celebrate Spring by planting a tree. The weather is finally breaking and the snow is going. Now is the time to plan for your spring plantings.
The Conservation District’s Annual Spring Arbor Green Tree and Shrub Program offers inexpensive bare-root stock for conservation plantings, wildlife habitat improvement, erosion control, Christmas trees, nature education and landscaping your environment. Trees available this year include Colorado blue spruce, redbud, Frasier fir, Norway spruce, Austrian pine, arborvitae (white cedar), white birch and more. Shrubs include American cranberry, high bush blueberry, red raspberries, lilac, forsythia, rose of Sharon and more! New this year are peach trees.
To get an order blank, call the Conservation District at 518-271-1740 or visit the Conservation Field Office at 61 State Street in Troy. Our Ag & Life Sciences Building is located just north of the Department of Motor Vehicles. You may also download an order blank by going to the Rensselaer County website, which is, and follow the link to the “How To!…” box on the left hand side of the page, scroll down to the 43rd Annual Arbor Green Tree & Shrub Sale link, click and print it out.
Return your order and payment by May 2. Distribution will be Saturday, May 10, from 9 am to 12 noon at the Questar (BOCES) Center on Industrial Park Road in South Troy.
This program supports Soil & Water Conservation Programs in the County. You need not be a resident of Rensselaer County to participate in this program.