All events are free and open to the public. Go to or call 518-659-5263 for more information.
• Solar Energy: Cooperating With Your Neighbors to Save Money – Thursday, March 27, at 7 pm at the East Greenbush Library. “Community Solar” is an initiative to increase the use of solar energy in Troy and local communities and reduce its cost for participants. Steve Andersen will share information about how solar electric energy works then introduce the innovative community solar program which has already been implemented in communities in Tompkins County and Madison County. Jaron Kuppers, a homeowner in Troy, will share his experience with the installation of rental solar. Global warming, children’s futures – you can make a difference within your budget
• Finding the Mohican Indians in Rensselaer County with Shirley W. Dunn – Sunday, March 30, at 2 pm at the East Greenbush Library. Learn about the Mohican Indians, first inhabitants of Rensselaer County, how they met Henry Hudson, how and where they lived and how their role in local history has been overlooked because of emphasis on the Iroquois, who lived far inland. Speaker Shirley W. Dunn will show the locations of some of the Mohican villages in Rensselaer County and name some of the Mohican leaders of past centuries who not only signed land deeds but helped the newly arrived Dutch. Shirley Dunn is the author of three books about the local Mohican Indians.