The Rensselaer Plateau Alliance is celebrating the fifth year of its incorporation with a major accomplishment. Namely, the completion and publication of the Rensselaer Plateau Regional Conservation Plan and three related User Guides (for municipal officials, landowners and organizations). The Conservation Plan includes detailed information about the region’s significant ecological communities, economy and community values, as well as historical and demographic research. The Guides are intended to assist municipalities, landowners and organizations with using the Conservation Plan to learn more about the Plateau and support local land use decisions, regional economic development initiatives and conservation efforts.
Please consider joining us for a grand celebration of this and other RPA accomplishments at 6 pm on Saturday, February 15, at the Sand Lake Center for the Arts. The celebration will include dinner, catered by The Arlington House, music, good conversation and cheer and a brief program featuring comments by U.S. Congressman Chris Gibson, Rensselaer County Executive Kathy Jimino, NYSDEC Hudson River Estuary Program Coordinator Fran Dunwell and RPA President Jim Bonesteel. The cost is $40 per person with RSVP required. Please visit our website at for RSVP information and links to the Regional Plan and Guides.
The celebration will also feature a silent auction featuring goods and services from the region with all proceeds supporting the educational and outreach programs of the RPA. Of particular interest is an original work of fine art donated by noted local artist Stephen Pentak (
Keep informed of the many activities going on with RPA or the more than 30 Alliance organizations by checking out our new database driven calendar of events at