Rensselaer County Executive Kathleen M. Jimino has announced that this year’s Veterans Appreciation Breakfast and Medals Ceremony will be held on Sunday, November 10, at the Brunswick Elks located at 665 Brunswick Road in Eagle Mills. The breakfast, which is free for veterans and their immediate families, will run from 8:30 to 11:30 am and will be immediately followed by a Medals Presentation Ceremony where 9 veterans, or their families, will be presented military honors earned by the veteran.
“The event is an excellent opportunity to thank our veterans for their service to our nation as well as honor those who have not yet received the medals and accommodations they have earned through their service,” stated Jimino.
Veterans, members of our armed forces and the general public are encouraged to attend the breakfast and join in the ceremony. Two Purple Hearts are among the medals that will be presented. For more information about the Veterans Breakfast and Medals Ceremony please call 518-270-2760