To the Editor:
As part of this fall’s election campaign, false statements are being made about the Grafton Assessors office which need to be corrected. Let’s set the record straight.
My salary and my clerk’s salary were set based strictly on our experience, proficiency and knowledge. There was no increase in salary for extra work related to a revaluation and no agreement to complete a revaluation by 2012.
When formulating the 2011 budget, there was some talk about a revaluation, and some money was put into the contractual line of the budget for data collection in case we were able to get started on a revaluation during that year. We did not get started that year because the Town Board did not authorize a revaluation that year, and the money budgeted for data collection was never spent. Allegations that money was wasted or that my Clerk and I accepted money for work that was not done are baseless and irresponsible.
The Assessors office cannot begin work on a revaluation until the Town Board passes a formal resolution authorizing it. A resolution authorizing a revaluation was not passed until a few months ago, at the July 8 meeting this year.
My Clerk and I are honest hardworking people serving the Town of Grafton, and we ask that political statements about us stick to the facts.
Craig Surprise, Grafton Assessor 2010-2013