Dear Editor:
“Love And Respect One Another.” These are the words on the gravestone of world famous sculptor Jose DeCreeft who lived from November 27, 1884, until September 11, 1982, and who spent his summers on Fog Hill Road in Hoosick. His grave lies behind Saint Mark’s Church next to Wood Park in Hoosick Falls.
It bothered me in some way to see some of our young people climbing on his gravestone and monument during the last concert of our Hoosick Falls Community Band season. I made an announcement asking them to stop doing it but to no avail. While it is hard to read the inscription on the stone it is clear the intent of the structure. It was also brought to my attention (since my back is to Main Street [when conducting]) that some young folks also climb on the newly constructed monument to the fallen service men of our community. In my opinion these acts should not be tolerated by us.
While audiences rise to the playing of our National Anthem, some young folks do not while others salute the flag during the performance. I even noticed a gentleman in a wheelchair, and with great difficulty, rise to his feet.
Probably the fault might lie with those of us who do not stress the importance of respecting that which others have built to honor others for all in the community to enjoy. While there have been awful acts of terrorism there has not been a war on our shores since the Civil War and for that we are thankful and should honor those who gave that supreme sacrifice and for whom the monument was erected.
It is my hope that the leadership among our young folks will show the others the proper way to conduct themselves and that will result in the end of the vandalism on the bandstand and the lack of respect for all that has been given us and this will provide for a better tomorrow.
Bill Gaillard, Director
Hoosick Falls Community Band