by Thaddeus Flint
The New Lebanon Central School District budget easily passed Tuesday, with 231 votes in favor of and 53 against.
The $12,440,790 budget for the 2013-14 school year comes with zero percent increase in the tax levy.
A proposition to renovate the District’s bus garage also passed with 202 votes for the $1.2 million project and 75 against it.
School Board Vice President Raymond Sowalski, who championed the demolition of the historic Union Free School building, failed in his bid for re-election. Sowalski received 121 votes, while Martha Esposito received 175 votes. Tim Lambert and Sharon Putnam each took in 172 votes. Alexis McDonald received 97 votes. Esposito and Putnam will be new to the Board, Lambert served from 2008 to 2011.
Current Board Members, JoAnn Gavrity and David Kroboth, did not run for re-election.