The Mountain Road School is sponsoring the Second Annual Shaking Off the Winter Blues Concert, a musical celebration for the entire family, on Sunday, April 7, from 1 to 5 pm. This year the concert will be held at the Richmond Congregational Church, one mile east of the NY border off Route 295 in Richmond, MA. Eight musical performances and four hours of live music will offer something for every musical taste from child to adult.
The afternoon kicks off with Sandy & Sandy playing a high energy, foot stomping blend of blues and country. Other featured performers include Paul de Jong, cellist, composer and co-founder of the internationally acclaimed band “The Books,” local favorites Linda Worster and JoAnne Spies, Divinitress, Dar Nico & Chris, with an eclectic mix of musical styles, and The Mountain Road Children’s Ensemble. The school’s house dance band, The Mountain Rodents, with Mark Kelso, Richard Green, Jon Stevens and Chris St. Clair, will close the concert with a dance jam.
Admission is $15 per person or $25 per family. A silent auction with local goods and services and delicious home made foods are part of the afternoon event.
The Mountain Road School was founded in 1975 as an independent school and serves children pre-school through grade 8. The school is known for its small, multi-aged classrooms and long standing commitment to nature-based education. Enrollment for the 2013-14 is underway with openings at all grade levels. Information is available at the school’s website