To the Editor:
I read in the March 29th edition of the Eastwick Press that I was one of the seven people applying for the job of Supervisor of the Town of Grafton. Although I did write a letter and care about the Town and its future, I did not write a letter of intent to apply for the top town job.
Instead I wrote a letter, imploring the current Board to work together and appoint one of the Councilmembers as Supervisor for the good of the Town, putting aside politics. The only way that could have happened is if the remaining councilmembers agreed to back the Councilperson who stepped down from the Board to be appointed Supervisor.
Jan Shields
Babcock Lake, Grafton
Editor’s Note: As it happened the Councilmembers withdrew their names from consideration and the Board chose one of the remaining people who were interested in being Grafton Town Supervisor – Frank Higgins.