“Caring for Your Woods and Wildlife” is a day long workshop for forest owners held at Tamarac High School in Brunswick, on Saturday, March 16. There will be seven presentations on a variety of topics in the morning, followed by a woods walk in the afternoon. The talks will be geared toward issues and concerns of woodland owners in the Rensselaer Plateau area. Speakers from the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation, the Hudson River Estuary Program and the Cornell Cooperative Extension will cover topics including wildlife ecology, forest regeneration, streamside management, woodland transfer and how to develop a forest management plan.
The afternoon walk in a nearby forest will give attendees the opportunity to see how some of the management topics can be applied in their woods. The workshop is sponsored by the Hudson River Estuary Program and the Cornell Cooperative Extension Biodiversity Program Work Team, with endorsement by the Rensselaer Plateau Alliance, Greene and Rensselaer County Cooperative Extension and the Capital District Chapter of the NY Forest Owners Association.
The $15 fee covers refreshments, lunch and an information packet. To register by March 9 online or to print a mail-in registration form, go to www2.dnr.cornell.edu/ext/pwt/bio/. For more information, email Kristi Sullivan at kls20@cornell.edu.