by Kieron Kramer
As reported in these pages three weeks ago the Rensselaer County Legislature had decided to renew the request for a safety review of State Route 7 in Hoosick. A resolution to this effect was voted on at the March legislative meeting on Tuesday. The resolution was introduced by Vice Chairman of the Legislature Stan Brownell and Legislator Lester Goodermote; both men represent District Five, which includes the towns of Stephentown, Berlin, Petersburgh, Grafton, Hoosick and the Village of Hoosick Falls.
[private]According to the resolution, many accidents have occurred on the portion of New York State Route 7 between the Bennington Battlefield Motel and the intersection of Routes 7 and 22 near Stewart’s. The New York State Department of Transportation (DOT) is being asked to conduct a review of the lighting, motorist speed and signage on this stretch of Route 7.
When the resolution was being considered, Brownell rose to urge his fellow legislators to support it. It is not just the February 13 accident when a gasoline truck crashed through the guardrail and caught fire, polluting the Shingle Hollow Brook, or the propane truck crash in July of 2011 that required a major, difficult emergency response and an evacuation of the area but also a series of less dramatic but damaging accidents involving vans, cars, motorcycles and a delivery truck. Although many suffered injuries there was only one fatality, further west on Route 7 when a 28 year old motorcyclist was killed in September of 2006 near Potter Hill Barn. “The continuing problem of 18-wheelers going off the road in this area puts a real burden on the EMS service, the local fire departments and rescue squads and those having to detour and direct traffic,” Brownell said, and added, “It has affected our forests as well; the DEC had to replace 200 trees [after the propane truck crash].”
The stretch of curvy road runs along the State Forest area. He said that this stretch of road has not been upgraded since the 1960s and has been dangerous all along. After a spate of accidents in the 1970s locals used to put a bumper sticker on their cars that read, “Pray for those of us who drive on Route 7.” Brownell has even had new bumper stickers printed which will be distributed for free. He said that they can be gotten from him, Lester Goodermote or the County Legislature. The road is heavily used now by lots of commuters, tourists and commercial truck drivers, he said. “We are really looking for a solution,” Brownell concluded.
The resolution passed unanimously and certified copies will be sent to Governor Andrew Cuomo, NY State Senators Kathy Marchione and Neil Breslin, NYS Senate Majority Leader Dean G. Skelos, NYS Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin and the Regional Director of State of New York Department of Transportation. After the meeting, both Brownell and Goodermote were not optimistic that much would be done by the DOT other than having a safety review. It would be very expensive to straighten sections of the road, and the trout stream might have to be moved Brownell said. Both Legislators thought that warning signs with flashing lights, like they’ve seen on Woodford Mountain in Vermont, combined with lower speed limits, would help the situation. There is no guess as to when the DOT might take action. “They haven’t even finished their investigation of the gas truck accident in February,” Brownell said.
HFCS Winter Sports Athletes Honored
Four resolutions were passed unanimously by the Legislature that recognized the accomplishments of Hoosick Falls Central School athletes. Two teams, the bowling team and the wrestling team, were honored, and two individual wrestlers were honored.
The resolution commending the Hoosick Falls High School Bowling Team upon a championship season says, “Children are the future of our society and to recognize the accomplishments of our exceptional youth today, will inspire other young adults to follow in their path, promising a future that is brighter than today…This Legislative Body is pleased to learn of the outstanding achievements of the Hoosick Falls Bowling Team and wishes to convey its compliments and felicitations to the coaches and members of this team.”
According to the resolution the Panther Bowling Team finished its season with an impressive match record of 14-0 and a point record of 54-2, won the Adirondack League South Championship and the Section II Class C-D Championship Title. The members of the Bowling Team, under the guidance of Head Coach Bob Lang, are Bryan Callahan, Josh Conn, Josh Reveal, Logan Brogue, Ken Marbot, Josh McCart, Jennifer Sargood, Stephen Surdam, Charlie Whitman, Kyla Day, Catherine Whitman, Jonathan Bossoni, William Wolfrum, A.J. Hurlburt and Caleb Jones. A copy of this resolution, suitably engrossed, will be transmitted to the coaches and team members.
The resolution commending the Hoosick Falls High School Wrestling Team says, “The wrestling team finished its season with an impressive undefeated WASAREN league record of four wins and zero losses and captured the Section 2 Division 2 Class C Championship Title, the Division 2 overall Championship (out of 40 plus small Section 2 schools), and had two State Qualifiers – Luis Weierbach and Brad Burns…The members of the Panthers Wrestling Team, under the guidance of Head Coach Landon Nelson and Assistant Coach Rick Taber, are Luis Weierbach, Derek Bird, Nolan Foster, Tom Peabody, Greg Pirie, Alex Krause, Mike Mattat, Teddy Westervelt, Nick Scrom, Bryan Sherman, Kevin Scrom, Tyler Randall, Devin Marcucci, Brad Burns, Colby Davendonis, Billy Pine, Pascal Wilkins, Shane Barss, C.J. Yavaniski and Garrett Wright…the Rensselaer County Legislature does hereby commend and offer congratulations to the coaches, team members, family and supporters of a team well deserving of praise and recognition.”
A copy of this resolution, suitably engrossed, will be transmitted to the coaches and team members.
The resolution commending Luis Weierbach on his New York State Championship Title, the first in the school’s history, says, “Cognizant of the hard work and steadfast commitment by some of our County’s exceptional youth to excel in athletics, it is consistent with the duty of this Legislative Body to recognize the achievements of such individuals…it is the intent of this Legislative Body to convey its compliments and felicitations to Luis Weierbach upon receiving a New York State Championship Wrestling Title.”
According to the resolution, the New York State Public School Athletic Association (NYSPSAA) Wrestling Championships were held at the Times Union Center in Albany on February 22 and 23. Weierbach was the number one seed in his 106 weight class, and he defeated the number two seed, Danny Fox of Dolgeville. Weierbach finished his 2012-2013 season with an impressive undefeated record of 37-0 and an overall career record of 97-10 as well as earning the following titles: Section 2 Division 2 Class 2 Championship, Section 2 Division 2 Championship and the New York State Championship Wrestling Title at 106 pounds. He made the all-star first team for the WASAREN League. “We praise with respect and admiration Luis Weierbach for his championship season,” the resolution says. A copy of this resolution, suitably engrossed, will be transmitted to Luis Weierbach.
Another Panther wrestler, Brad Burns, was commended for his championship season. At the New York State Public School Athletic Association Wrestling Championships Brad Burns finished his 2012-2013 season taking third place in the 182 weight division. He had an impressive season record of 36-4 and earned the following titles: Section 2 Division 2 Class 2 Championship, Section 2 Division 2 Championship and New York State 3rd Place Finisher at 182 pounds. He made the all-star first team for the WASAREN League.
A copy of this resolution, suitably engrossed, will be transmitted to Brad Burns.
Local Snowmobile Clubs Get Less Money To Maintain Trails
The Legislature passed a resolution Tuesday authorizing the Rensselaer County Executive to execute amended snowmobile trail grant agreements with the Rensselaer County Snow Riders, Inc., Grafton Trail Blazers, Inc., Black River Raiders Snowmobile Club, Inc. and Stephentown Trail Riders. The 2013 State funding for this project is $22,670, less than what was originally budgeted in the 2013 County budget. The clubs will receive amended contracts in the following amounts:
• Rensselaer County Snow Riders, Inc., Schaghticoke – $9,655 (was $13,640)
• Grafton Trail Blazers, Inc. – $10,375 (was $17,450)
• Black River Raiders Snowmobile Club, Inc., Sand Lake – $480 (was $4,290)
• Stephentown Trail Riders – $2,160 (was $2,970).
The resolution says that the State of New York provides Snowmobile Trail Grant funding annually to municipalities and their snowmobile trail clubs to maintain snowmobile trails open to all snowmobilers. The County of Rensselaer, together with its snowmobile trail clubs, has applied for and received funding for the maintenance of snowmobile trails in the towns of Berlin, Grafton, Hoosick, Pittstown and Schaghticoke. The grant is $12,470 less than expected. It is totally State funded and will produce no fiscal impact to the County. The purpose is to provide recreational opportunities for County residents.
More Money For STOP-DWI
A resolution authorizing an amendment to the contracts with the Town of East Greenbush, the Village of Hoosick Falls and the City Of Rensselaer for 2012 – STOP-DWI passed unanimously. According to the resolution, the Rensselaer County Director of Special Traffic Operations has been advised by the New York State STOP-DWI Foundation that Rensselaer County STOP-DWI will receive one time funding in the amount of $65,820 of which $18,800 will be utilized for fiscal year 2012, the remaining $47,020 be included in the Department’s 2013 budget submission. This funding is necessary to provide DWI crackdown enforcement through saturation patrols and checkpoints on the 2012 New York State recognized DWI Crackdown dates from January 1 to December 31, 2012.
The Town of East Greenbush DWI Patrols was originally given $6,850. It will now receive $8,039.The Village of Hoosick Falls DWI Patrols was originally given $6,350. It will now receive $ 6,487. The City of Rensselaer DWI Patrols was originally given $6,850. It will now receive $7,081.
Other Resolutions Of Local Interest
A resolution authorized the correction of the 2013 Grafton tax roll. “It was discovered that parcels 106.-1-44.124 and 106.-1-44.140, located in the Town of Grafton for the year 2013, was inadvertently shown as taxable for school,” the resolution says. “The owner of said parcels, Friends of the Dyken Pond Center, Ltd. is organized as a non-profit organization as defined in Article 4 of the N.Y.S. Real Property Tax Law; and…The owner filed for non-profit exemption, and due to a clerical error, exemption was omitted from said tax roll…Pursuant to Article 5, Section 558 of the Real Property Tax Law the County Legislature shall direct tax cancellation of a tax where the lien of such tax is rendered permanently unenforceable and uncollectable by operation of the provisions of said statute”
The Rensselaer County Chief Fiscal Officer will correct the 2013 Grafton Tax roll by removing the unenforceable assessments and charging the taxes back to the appropriate taxing jurisdictions
Representatives were appointed to the Region 4 Fish And Wildlife Management Board. The Environmental Conservation Law of the State of New York, known as the Fish and Wildlife Management Act, established regional boards of volunteer representatives appointed by county governments, including delegates representing sportsmen, a landowner and a legislator, to “obtain on privately owned or leased lands and waters of the state practices of fish and wildlife management which will preserve and develop the fish and wildlife resources of the state and improve access to them for recreational purposes by the people of the state.” There are current vacancies in the sportsman, alternate sportsman and legislative delegate positions from the County of Rensselaer to the Region 4 Fish and Wildlife Management Board. The Rensselaer County Conservation Alliance and the County Executive made recommendations for appointments. Paul Hyde of Tate Road, Hoosick, was appointed as Sportsman Delegate. Edward Sukuskas of River Road in Hoosick Falls was appointed Alternate Sportsman Delegate and the Chairman of the Legislature, Martin Reid of West Sand Lake, was appointed as the Legislative Representative. The appointments are for a two-year term commencing January 1, 2013, and ending December 31, 2014.
Michael Crandall of Grafton was appointed to the County Fire Advisory Board by the Legislature.
The Legislature passed a resolution that, among other things, extended contracts for gravel and ice control sand that were approved last year for another year until April 30, 2014. The prices will continue to be the same as approved last year. R.M. Bacon of South Street in Hoosick, the Rich Senter Trust of Staples Road in Stephentown and Polaro Sand and Gravel of Poestenkill are three of the companies whose contracts will be extended. The contract for each is $10,000.
Last month the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rensselaer County was commended for its contribution to National Nutrition Month, which is March. Representatives of the CCE came to the well of the Legislature Tuesday to accept copies of their resolutions and to celebrate National Nutrition Month by passing out goodies as usual. This time they distributed spinach brownies. The spinach, Michelle Reynolds of the CCE announced, was from the Berry Patch Farm in Stephentown.
The Campaign Begins
In a unique announcement of their candidacy for the County Legislature this November, Stan Brownell and Lester Goodermote gave this reporter a pen that said, “Re-elect Brownell & Goodermote.” It’s a nice pen.[/private]