Dear Editor:
I REALLY need to vent ! Last week I attended the New Lebanon Public Hearing re: the sidewalk project. I arrived at 6:30 and already, it was standing-room-only! This was the first public hearing held at the new meeting room, and the capacity of 45 was exceeded by almost 100%. This issue was mentioned to a Town employee prior to the meeting beginning and the response was, “So, who’s going to do anything about it?” WOW! Several other residents mentioned that it wasn’t legal to overcrowd the room by so many, but I advised them that our local officials have never OBEYED Codes and Laws, so to not expect the meeting to be moved.
As bad as this was, it didn’t bother me anywhere as much as what I witnessed once the meeting began. There were people there of all ages, including many I have never even seen before. In the six years that I have been the Citizen’s Advocate and Incumbent-Watcher in this town, and attended nearly every meeting of every Board, I have never seen as many people come out to a meeting. The majority of those present were people who NEVER attend a meeting of any kind in this town. So why, after SIX YEARS of BEGGING the residents to get involved and object to the corruption and violations of our local officials did they not turn out in such numbers before ?
Let’s look at that. I have always said on my blog that people will not take a stand for anything unless and until it knocks on their very own doors or hits their pocketbooks. Last night was the indisputable proof of that. A proposed project that could affect their tax rates got them off their couches and to the Town Hall. Criminal behavior and lack of integrity and honesty in their officials does not. Money over honor. What a sad statement, what an embarrassing picture of who the People of New Lebanon ARE. Still, that was not the worst of it.
What pained me the most about this meeting was the fact that there was not ONE man in that room with an ounce of chivalry. I looked around at the many older ladies in their 60s and 70s, standing against the walls for two hours, while younger, able bodied men sat in the chairs. Not a single one of those “men” offered his seat to one of those ladies. Nor did they offer one to the young lady who stood and held her baby for two hours. I was absolutely appalled! Did any of these men have mothers? What did their mothers teach them? Apparently not much. I would have NEVER tolerated such behavior from my own son. Despite his own bad back, he would have stood and given his seat to a lady. No question.
I can almost understand, if not excuse, this behavior from the younger guys, as Women’s Lib had a negative effect on their respect for the ladies and those “Progressive” women slit their own throats. However, what about the men in their 40s, 50s and 60s who continued to sit on their duffs while senior ladies stood? Inexcusable! Many of these men are people I know and have now lost a great deal of respect for. A few of them even had mothers present, and even the moms said nothing to their sons! I am disgusted and ashamed of them all.
Is it any wonder that our officials at every level have no integrity? Parents and schools no longer place any value on courtesy and respect. It is a ME-ME-ME world and the H_LL with YOU! We deserve what we accept, and we have accepted far too much for far too long.
JJ. Johnson-Smith
Shaker Road, New Lebanon