To the Editor:
In case the people in the Town of Hoosick haven’t heard, there was break-in at the HAYC3 offices located at 80 Church Street (the former Armory). You may be interested to know that it occurred March 11 after the Town Board meeting. Apparently someone broke the lock and illegally entered the HAYC3 premises. Of course, it would have been illegal entry even had there been no lock since they had not obtained permission to enter. (HAYC3 – I would suggest cameras and a security system if they aren’t already on your agenda)
I have it from a very reliable source (either a HAYC3 Board member or a Town Board member) that the incident involved at least one and possibly four Town Board members. A police report has been filed which shows Keith Cipperly listed as a suspect, and I’ve been told that at least one person confessed to an official at HAYC3. So, here are the questions I believe the citizens of the Town of Hoosick should have answers to:
1. Was the current Town Supervisor the culprit responsible for this behavior?
2. Didn’t he (or they) realize that what was being done was unethical as well as illegal?
3. I understand that one of the Board members (Mark Surdam) was definitely not involved and reported to HAYC3 that he believed other Board members had planned to enter the premises. However, did the other Board members report, to the proper authorities or officials, what they knew about the incident?
4. The Town Attorney was reportedly with the group after the meeting. Did she know about the incident? Did she advise against it? Did she report it to anybody if she was aware? Was she involved?
5. If the Town Supervisor was the culprit, does he intend to resign or is the Town Board taking other action to have him removed from his seat?
I realize that HAYC3 is in a tough spot. They likely won’t press charges since they really need the Town as a tenant while they get HAYC3 on solid financial footing. This is especially true since the Town hasn’t paid a nickel in rent since HAYC3 took over the Armory last year. Regardless of whether or not they press charges, the Town’s citizens should be outraged by this behavior and should finally say enough is enough. Only an independent investigation will divulge the full truth.
Jim Martinez
Church Street, Hoosick Falls