submitted by Monica Shupe
Ten Berlin Middle School Chorus students and one pianist participated in the New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA) Solo Festival on March 9. Erin Goodermote, Cayla Hungerford and Carolyn Williams prepared Level 2 solos and earned the score of Excellent.
Amanda Ducharme, Phillip Doin, Hunter Harrison and Jacob Gallucci prepared Level 3 solos and earned the score of Excellent. Seiji Akera, Emma Church and Ioann Popov prepared Level 3 solos and earned the score of Outstanding. Samantha Hebert prepared a Level 4 solo and earned the score of Excellent.
Festival ratings are based on tone quality, technique, expression and the ability to sing or play a musical excerpt correctly without assistance. The eleven students spent several weeks preparing for the auditions and achieved success at the highest levels.