Please come and join others who live, work or play on the Rensselaer Plateau for a presentation and discussion of the Rensselaer Plateau Regional Conservation Plan (The Plan). On Thursday, March 21, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, the Rensselaer Plateau Alliance (RPA) will host a public meeting at the Carner-Etman-Smith VFW Post in Grafton. Turn on South Street directly across from the Town Store. The VFW Post is 1/3 mile on the right. A copy of the draft plan is available at
The Plan has been under development for over two years which included community forums in 2010, public workshops in 2011-12 and targeted stakeholder meetings to facilitate public input. The purpose of the Rensselaer Plateau Regional Conservation Plan is to:
• identify the areas with the most significant ecological, economic and community values;
• identify conservation and stewardship needs for those areas, and
• create a toolbox for all of the stakeholders of the Rensselaer Plateau region to use.
Participants will have an opportunity to discuss and comment on the plan. RPA will be accepting individual and organizational comments until May 1, 2013.