by Courtney Luskin
I have been busy getting ready for our NY State Dairy Princess Pageant in Syracuse. The NYS Dairy Princess Program, as well as Rensselaer County’s, will be celebrating 50 years. The two day competition will include a speech, scrapbook, product knowledge, interview and written communications.
Lovable Cows
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and the one thing that I love the most would have to be my cows. I have grown up my whole life with cows; I have spent plenty of days down at the farm with furry, four-legged creatures. Cows are big gentle animals that love attention from the farmers that take great care of them. The big bovines spend their days lying in big, well-bedded stalls. They also have a variety of feeds provided to them along with plenty of water. The favorite part of the cow’s day is milking time, when they give their milk. That milk will be shipped off the farm to local milk plants and processed into dairy products.
Another one of my favorite things is dairy products. I love to have a tall of glass of low fat chocolate milk or a cup of yogurt as a refreshing and nutritious pick me up. So this year I will enjoy Valentine’s Day with some of my cows and nutritious dairy products.