To the Editor:
In the December 21 article concerning the Town of Berlin’s taking possession of the former Berlin Lumber property and subsequent Town Board meeting notes, a small notation was made under the subtitle “NY Alert” in which Ivan Wager said that “eventually private citizens will be able to register for alerts.” It should be noted that this is not an eventuality but a reality: Citizens can sign up for email and/or telephone alerts by visiting the NY Alert Civilian Portal at
I have been signed up for some time now and receive regular emails when there are road closures or weather alerts in the area that I specified. I also received a phone call in early December when repairs of a downed power line in the town of Berlin were going to cause a power outage in the area.
Trisha Gerstel
Reporter/Editor’s Response: Thanks for letting us know. I misrepresented Ivan Wager’s comment in that story. I think he implied that the State would eventually send out a news release informing people how they could sign up for NY Alert. My fault – sorry.