submitted by Robin Krause
On Saturday, November 3, Stephentown Junior Girl Scout Troop #1101 attended Engineering Day hosted by the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) at RPI in Troy. The Junior Girl Scouts from Berlin Elementary School, fourth grade classes spent the morning learning about Civil, Chemical, Design, Nuclear, Structural and Biomedical Engineering. [private]SWE provided hands-on activities to teach the Junior Girl Scouts about each type of Engineering including building roller coasters, shattering flowers using nitrous oxide, making gak (a slimy substance made from mixing chemicals) and elephant toothpaste. SWE developed this program to inspire Girl Scouts to become interested in Engineering and the many exciting opportunities an Engineering degree can offer. Well it worked, as a few of the girls in Troop #1101 are now inspired to become engineers! SWE also shared with parents the many opportunities RPI offers, including camps and scholarship programs.