Marilyn Lamb of Buskirk was chosen to receive the 2012 4-H Rosekrans Award. Marilyn is a 12 year member of 4-H and daughter of Chris and Terry Lamb. She is currently a freshman at SUNY Cobleskill majoring in Agricultural Business with a minor in Dairy Management.
Marilyn has been very active in the 4-H cattle program as an outstanding Dairy Cattle Showman as evidenced by her Schaghticoke Fair awards. She has
developed a strong Holstein herd that she has shown locally and at the New York State Fair. She has participated in Dairy Bowl for several years and is an avid 4-H Cattle participant, always encouraging others. As a past Rensselaer County Dairy Princess she has been very involved in agricultural youth opportunities over the years.
Helen Rosekrans was a past 4-H Leader in Rensselaer County who worked with members primarily in the cattle program. Helen was a 4-H volunteer for nearly 40 years and fostered many 4-H youth along the way. This award was established in her memory upon her passing in 1999. It is intended to recognize a graduating High School 4-H member enrolled in a cattle project. Marilyn graduated from Hoosic Valley High School in June of 2012. For more information about this and other 4-H opportunities, please contact your respective Cooperative Extension office.