To the editor:
Why is the Berlin Central School District so intent on “selling” the former Grafton Grade School to the Town for $1?
In the opinion of most folks it would make far greater sense to put the property on the market and generate a nice chunk of change for the District, which is forever struggling financially, in spite of the ever increasing, very high per pupil cost to taxpayers for a dwindling student population.
While it is understandably tempting to acquire the property for virtually nothing, if Grafton is truly in need of enlarging the vital fire department / emergency squad facilities in the future, there’s plenty of room on the existing town hall site for expansion.
The school building and land would lend itself to any number of private or commercial uses and provide new tax revenue, instead of costing residents for renovations and perpetual maintenance, insurance, heating, etc. Thus the school district and the town – and the citizens – would all benefit, resulting in additional income rather than ongoing expenditures.
Alternatively, I’ll give the district ten times the current asking price for the property.
Paul Bouchey