by Bea Peterson
The Hoosick Falls Country Club is offering the community more than a golf course this year. Besides the bar, it now has a full service restaurant. After its membership meeting on September 14, the Club may be working to winterize the facility so it is open all year.
[private]The Country Club has seen several changes this season. Groundskeeper Scott McCart left the Club last season after 25 years. “We didn’t think we would be able to get an experienced groundskeeper, but we were very lucky to hire Bob Nichol, who has 30 plus years experience,” said Board President Bill Suite. “Course conditions are great.”
The Board has several new members this year. “We are willing to try new things and not be afraid to fail,” said Suite. “We are going to do our best.” He added that former President Terri Barber is no longer on the Board. “She has been extremely helpful with information and with contacts,” he added.
Suite explained that the Hoosick Falls Country Club is a not for profit and is owned by the members. The Board has seven members elected for three year terms. They are guided by the Club’s bylaws. “The Board can recommend proposals, but those proposals must be approved by a vote of the membership,” he said.
Membership Decline
Suite said membership has dropped off in the last seven years, mostly because of the economy. “All courses are in the same fix,” he added. “This year we have maintained our membership.” He said they offer Senior golf specials on Friday, and they are looking to increase the number of Junior golfers at the Club. “We want to provide a family atmosphere,” he said. The Board also hopes to keep the cost of membership to what it is now.

In the past the kitchen could be used to cook up simple fare for members, but it couldn’t be used to sell food, as the facility didn’t meet the State code. “With volunteer time and donations, we brought the kitchen up to code, at no cost to the Club per se,” said Suite. The kitchen passed State inspection. New equipment has been ordered, and the kitchen space is being expanded. The icing on the cake is that Jeff Babson is the chef. Jeff operated Babson’s Restaurant in Hoosick Falls for 10 years and Fox Hollow Restaurant in North Petersburgh for seven years. He went on to other work for a few years, but he said he is “happy to be back in a kitchen.” And members are happy to have him. “Our Friday night dinners were a big hit this summer,” Suite said. “Jeff has a great reputation.”
The plan is for the Clubhouse to remain open through December. If the weather holds, Suite expects the golf course to be open into early November.
Open To Community
What Suite and the Board hope is that Village and Town residents will come to the Clubhouse and enjoy the restaurant and the views. There is no doubt about it, the facilities are attractive and the views are spectacular. Lunch on the porch on an autumn day could be something special. “We want the community to use the facility,” said Suite. “We want to be part of the community. It’s a beautiful place for a meal as well as a beautiful place to play golf.”
The kitchen has been up less than two months, and already the menu and the hours have expanded. They are also taking reservations for holiday events.
The restaurant is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 11:30 am to 8:30 pm, Friday and Saturday from 11:30 am to 9 pm and Sunday from 11:30 am to 3 pm. The lunch menu includes hamburgers, sandwiches and salads ranging in price from $4.95 to $7.95. Dinners range from a hot roast beef sandwich at $9.95 to seafood or a 14 ounce steak at $19.95, with a big range in between, including “pasta my way” at $13.95. Reservations are not necessary, but with big parties of 10 or more, reservations would be helpful. Sometimes on weekends the Clubhouse may be booked for a private or Club party so it is advisable to call 686-4210 to confirm that the restaurant is open.
To book a private party, call Kevin O’Mally at 686-9460.[/private]