To the Editor:
The definition of democracy according to is “a government by the people; especially: rule of the majority.”
The people of the Berlin Central School District voted for the Bond project. According to the Eastwick Press, “Board Members Nash, Webster, Jr. and Stewart continued to hold to their position that the project is not a consensus of either the Board or the Towns that the Board represents. They all voted no.” Dear Mr. Nash, Mr. Webster, Jr., and Ms. Stewart…Yoo-Hoo… the people (the people of the towns that you represent) voted for the Bond project as it was presented. They didn’t ask for a consensus. The people voted for necessary improvements to the schools for the health and safety of the children…within the public’s means. Of course, not everyone is going to agree. But one thing that everyone can agree on is that the improvements must be made and the longer we wait the more costly they become.
The definition of impeachment is “to remove from office especially for misconduct.”
Nancy Austin
Moses Road, Petersburgh